Alexandra Chudakova: from a pencil sketch to the loudest jewelry premieres

The name of Alexandra Chudakova is known throughout the jewelry world. She gained her popularity thanks to the precious jewelry she creates exclusively for the luxury brands Carrera y Carrera and Geraldo. Alexandra is a person of extraordinary creativity, an expert technologist in the development of concepts for exclusive jewelry and the author of unique collections.

Girl’s dream

From the very childhood, like all girls, Alexandra was not indifferent to jewelry. But unlike her friends, she dreamed of not just wearing jewelry, but creating them according to her own sketches. Alexandra attended art school, she excellently and drew a lot of rings, earrings, pendants, brooches.

All albums, notebooks, napkins - any paper surface in the house in an instant turned into a platform for its creative flow. Alexandra was also seriously interested in chemistry. Knowledge of the nature of stones and the properties of metals helped her to create sketches in a complex manner, skillfully interweaving the artistic idea of the future decoration with the used natural materials. Her love of chemistry led Alexandra to the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University, and the girl revealed her multifaceted talent at Carrera y Carrera.

Precious Specialist

The management of the Moscow office of Carrera y Carrera calls Alexandra Chudakova their main diamond. In 2014, the girl accepted an offer to cooperate with the company, where she took the position of a technologist for the creation of jewelry. In parallel with this activity, she professionally participated in the design development of new collections. Working for the most prestigious international jewelry company became the embodiment of her childhood dream. In addition to individual jewelry, Alexandra Chudakova became the ideological inspirer of the updated Aqua collection, which was presented with great success at BaselWorld-2017. During the official closing ceremony, Alexander Chudakov was awarded a diploma for the victory in the nomination "Best Jewelry Design Development" for his high professionalism, non-standard look and innovative approach to creating premium jewelry.


Industry expert

An extraordinary artistic taste, a natural sense of the style of the product, its shape, color scale and inlay, combined with a brilliant knowledge of chemistry, allow Alexandra to create unique integrations of precious and semi-precious stones and combine them with different alloys. After the end of the contract with Carrera y Carrera, Alexandra became a leading expert of a large consulting company Business Uvconsulting. As an expert and leading consultant for the development of sketches of future collections and the chemical-technological features of jewelry, she collaborates with many jewelry companies.

Her clients include both jewelry startups and eminent jewelry houses.

In 2019, Alexandra Chudakova acted as an expert and consultant for two young ambitious premium brands - New Art Jewelry and Boys & Girl Jewelry. Thanks to Alexandra's professionalism and great experience, the companies have successfully entered the market with unique, bright and individual jewelry, created by hand according to the author's sketches.

In early 2020, Alexandra Chudakova joined the Geraldo brand team and today provides consulting services for the development of projects and design of unique jewelry with precious stones and unique alloys. In collaboration with an established industry expert, Geraldo has launched three iconic collections of exclusive pieces in luxury metals and high-quality gemstones: Physis, Désir de Rêve and GERALDO Spheres.

Today Alexandra Chudakova is a successful business woman, a respected jewelry expert and the most demanded specialist in her field.

She was able not only to realize her dream, but also achieved high recognition of the professional community around the world. She has several dozen letters of thanks, diplomas and awards for victories and jury membership in various industry events. 

Alexandra Chudakova’s list of awards and diplomas of the expert in the creation of precious jewelry:


• Themed installation of precious jewelry Carrera y Carrera at the Salvador Dali and Media exhibition, Moscow. Alexandra Chudakova received a diploma and an award for the best fantasy concept and a victory in the nomination for the most creative achievements in the jewelry business.


• Special screening of Carrera y Carrera, timed to coincide with the opening of the Festival Art.up, in Moscow. Alexandra Chudakova was awarded with gratitude for her contribution to contemporary art and a diploma for 1st place in the nomination "Decoration as an element of contemporary art".

• International fair of contemporary art Cosmoscow, Moscow. Alexandra Chudakova was awarded a diploma of a member of the expert jury of the Prize of Young Talented Artists, and was also awarded for the victory in the nomination “Application of innovative technologies in the jewelry industry”. 


• The largest world exhibition of watches, jewelry and precious stones BaselWorld-2017, Basel, Switzerland. Alexandra Chudakova was awarded a diploma for the victory in the nomination "Best Jewelry Design Development".

• ХVII International Exhibition of Jewelry Industry INTERUVELIR-2017, Sochi. Alexandra Chudakova was included in the jury of the Sochi-InterYuvelir International Jewelers' Competition to assess the quality of jewelry and design.

Exhibition "Jewelry Salon", Odessa. Awarded with a diploma for 1st place in the nomination "The best combination of precious metals and stones".


• Exhibition "Jewelry Salon", Odessa. Awarded with a diploma for 1st place in the "Unique Jewelry" nomination.

• September Hong Kong Jewelry & Gem Fair 2018, Hong Kong Island. Alexandra Chudakova was awarded an award for a unique development in jewelry.

• XII International Exhibition of Jewelry and Fashion Industry "Golden Season-2018", Sochi. Alexandra Chudakova won the nomination "Yin and Yang Female Talisman".


• XX International Jewelry Festival "Golden Ring of Russia", Kostroma. Alexandra Chudakova became the winner of the Jewelry Transformation nomination.

• Exhibition "Jewelry Salon", Odessa. Alexandra Chudakova was awarded a diploma for the 1st place in the nomination "Development of a unique jewelry with diamonds".

• XIII International Jewelry Conference IJA CONF, Moscow. Alexandra Chudakova was included in the international expert council of the jury of the First International Jewelry IJA AWARDS.


• Digital competition "Battle of Jewelers 8". Alexandra Chudakova was included in the jury of the online competition on the main platform of jewelers in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries.


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