The benefits of water

Drinking a glass of warm water on an empty stomach right after waking up is one of the healthiest habits that can improve your overall health. Beauty specialist Alexandra Chudakova will tell you how water is helpful for the body.

Without food, a person can live up to 30 days, and sometimes, even more, but without water - only five days, in rare cases up to 8 days. It is believed that an average person uses up to 60-70 tons of water for his needs annually! And the human body itself is almost 70% water - it is present in all tissues.

Remember: only clean drinking water, not carbonated sugary drinks, not tea, and even more so not coffee, which contribute to dehydration of the body - only water, goes into the proper "offset."

To understand how much water we need, let's look at water's role in our lives. Water is involved in almost all biochemical processes in the human body. Water:

- normalizes digestion and helps the body to absorb food better.

- participates in thermoregulation, helping to keep warm and maintain an average temperature - provides free blood circulation, reduces blood viscosity, and helps supply oxygen and nutrients to all organs and systems.

- improves brain function.

- helps to remove toxins and salts from the body.

- improves joint mobility: synovial fluid, which the joints need for free and painless movement, is mainly water plus a small amount of hyaluronic acid.

- helps to maintain a stable weight and active metabolism.

- helps to maintain healthy and youthful skin for a long time.

After you hear that mineral water is a storehouse of valuable properties, it is worth clarifying - how often to drink it? The question arises - is it necessary to consult specialists or not? Let's try to figure it out together.

Mineral water is natural water from a source where deep artesian waters come to the earth's surface with a specific chemical composition. It differs from the usual significant mineralization and sometimes - deviations of pH from neutral values. According to the doctor's prescription, you need to drink such water since it has a healing effect for various diseases and conditions and has its own rules for taking. Most often, it is prescribed as a short course.

Distinguish between mineral table water; the degree of its mineralization (ash content) is lower than medicinal but higher than that of ordinary drinking water. Its composition is not balanced; a deficiency of some and an excess of other microelements is possible.

Can consume it without a doctor's prescription, but in limited quantities (one or two glasses a day); the rest is plain water. With regular use of mineral water (instead of any other), the same complications are possible with hard water.

Not everything is so simple with water, and it is worth thinking about how it will be right for you.

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